Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Marriages, Funerals, Births, Marriages…

Ah, the “cycle of life”! It’s a vivid experience for us at this time of year.

If I am even more inaccessible than usual in the digital world, it is because we are full in these days of memories, sorrows, joys, events, celebrations, expectations, and longings.

You have seen on this blog (or other media) old wedding pictures, new tombstones, cute babies, young adults, and silver-bearded “elders” (or near enough - this is the state of life that I seem to be approaching). Our wedding anniversary (June 22), my mother’s death (July 3, 2021), and Maria’s FIRST birthday (coming up July 9) are among the markers of the Summer. Maria will have a birthday party, but it will be on July 10. On this July 9, we will celebrate a wedding.

Our third child and second daughter Lucia is getting married to Michael Rego this Saturday! We are very happy and grateful. We know Mike well; they have been dating through most of their time in university, and engaged since last year. Because Lucia lived at home most of this time, we have seen Mike a lot. They are a very sweet young couple, and well suited to each other. We have also enjoyed numerous gatherings already with Mike’s parents and family, who are wonderful people.

It’s a joyful time! My emotions? Well, one of my “baby girls” is getting married. Wow! She is joining her life to a fine young man, and they will be united in Christ through the Sacrament of Matrimony, which I know (from experience) is a fountain of graces, of unity, of healing, of power that sustains couples through every trial and weakness. He will always be present for them, and will sustain them and deepen their relationship, inviting them to trust in Him, turn to Him, and remember Him every day.

Emotions can be like the weather, I am beginning to realize. They change a lot, they can be complicated, but there is beauty deep down in every sky, in every season. The storms even have beauty because Jesus is with us in the midst of them. In the sunny times, the joys, the wedding feasts, He is “the good wine” - the superabundance that brings tranquility and hope.

Our partings and comings and celebrations, our growing, our eating and drinking, living and dying, are in His Heart, for His glory, with the promise of His fullness.