Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Antonio Claret: Hunger and Thirst For God’s Love

October 24 is the celebration of the 19th century Catalan bishop and missionary Saint Antonio Maria Claret. Today’s issue of Magnificat offers a rich meditation from his Autobiography, from which I cite this excerpt that especially struck

We can find the “hidden treasure” of God’s love “by asking and longing for love continually and incessantly, without ever failing to ask or without getting tired of asking, even though it delays in the coming. It is necessary to pray to Jesus and Mary for it, and especially to ask our Father in heaven for it through the merits of Jesus and his Blessed Mother, and to be most sure that our heavenly Father will send the Holy Spirit with this love to him who prays in this manner. [We must] hunger and thirst for this love, just as he who is really and truly hungry and thirsty in his body always thinks of how he can satisfy his hunger, and to this end asks anyone who might be in a position to help him. It is thus that I am determined to seek for love with ardent desires and aspirations.

~Saint Antonio Maria Claret (1807-1870)