Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Saint Thomas Aquinas: "Burst into Flame"

January 28 is the feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, the great medieval doctor who taught so well about the foundations of all reality - being, knowing, loving - and about the Mystery who created all things, the One who IS, and who is Wisdom and Love.

We honor Thomas as the perennial magister of theology and philosophy, the author of luminous treatises, the poet and mystic, the vindicator of common sense, the guide of deep thinkers, the devoted friar and preacher, the humble soul who found the love of God in Jesus Christ.

 "There is no proof of divine charity so clear as that God, the Creator of all things, is made a creature; that Our Lord is become our brother, and that the Son of God is made the Son of man: 'For God so loved the world as to give His only-begotten Son.' Therefore, upon consideration of this our love for God ought to be re-ignited and burst into flame" (Saint Thomas Aquinas, Catechetical Instructions).