Saturday, September 30, 2023

A “VLOG” at the End of September

Happy End of September! 

I have made a Vlog post, in which I reflect for a few moments with you all after my evening walk. I really should make more videos. I should just “get over” my feelings of awkwardness talking to the camera, and my fear of being “boring” or not having a sufficiently pre-packaged “message” or speaking so slowly through my “brain fog.” I have many observations and a little understanding to share, and I’m over 60 so I should just get-it-out-there using all varieties of accessible media but not worrying too much about a “slick show.” As ever, I’m inspired by the immortal words of G. K. Chesterton: “If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly.”

I’m in an odd mood in this video, probably because I have been studying too much about Maoist China lately, going through memoirs of political prisoners, etc. (currently reading the prison letters of Wei Jingsheng, former Red Guard and then famous “Democracy Wall” dissident in 1979). 

My life as an invalid can sometimes feel a “little bit” like “solitary confinement” in a prison — but, of course, it’s not like what these guys went through. I’m not being interrogated, tortured, pressured to make false confessions and implicate other people I know in any false “crimes.” It’s not that bad! I’m studying and forming my own mind, and I’m trying to find ways to open up more and share with you the things I’m learning (mostly, I’m learning things that make me realize how little I really know).

Anyway, here’s a chat which is rambly, but stick with me.  It all ends in a very encouraging way: