Friday, December 15, 2023

I’m Colder (and Older) in December 2023!

I’m COLD! Is it because I’m OLD?

When I go out of the house, I’m cold. Has it been colder this season than in past years? It doesn’t seem to be particularly cold, according to the thermometers. But I feel colder.

Maybe I’m just getting older.

When I stay in the house, I’m cold. We still use the same indoor heat. There are no new drafts in the house this winter. We even got a new roof over the summer. So why do I feel colder?

Perhaps it’s part of getting older.

When I wrap myself in blankets, it helps a bit. I can get a little cozy, but still I’m stiff. My bones ache like they always have, but also—if this makes sense—“inside” my bones I feel colder.

Is this because I’m getting older?

I don’t know if I’m losing my mind, trying to make these words rhyme.

It’s not my style; I haven’t done it in a while.

Or perhaps I’m getting bolder…

…because I’m getting older.

[Oh, BOO! BOO! BOO!🙄😧🥱  I know, that was dumb.👎 Go ahead, throw raspberries at me!🍒🍓🍋🍑🍓 Go ahead, call me…a bum.😜]