I offer to Your most compassionate heart
my thoughts, words, and actions;
my joys, sorrows, and sufferings.
Preserve me from sin.
Do not let me turn away from You.
Keep me in the center of Your heart.
Thank you Jesus for the gift of this day.
Give me complete trust in You.
Jesus, You are my Lord!
Jesus, I believe in Your Infinite Love for me.
Jesus, I trust in the blood and water
that poured forth from Your heart as a fount of mercy for me.
Let me answer Your cry of solitude
that longs for my love.
Let my tears touch Your face
and moisten the lips of Your unquenchable thirst for me.
Breathe forth Your Spirit into me
from Your body broken into the gift of the Father's love.
Have mercy on me and on the whole world.
Let me feel in my heart the Father's love for the world,
and bear in my own human frailty and suffering
the struggle and the seeking of that multitude of hearts
crafted in Your Image.
Jesus, You love every single human person,
without exception,
especially those who are the most lonely,
the most troubled and confused,
the most burdened with affliction.
You love those who do not know You,
but whose hearts have been made for You.
I feel the burdens and sorrows
of my brothers and sisters
in my own loneliness and troubles,
in my own confusion and restlessness,
in my affliction of not loving You enough.
Jesus, deepen my love for You today.
Draw my heart, and every heart, closer to You.
O Great Lover, win our hearts,
conquer our fears,
show us Your beautiful Face.
Jesus, I trust in You.