Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter 2017 From the Janaros!

The Janaro Family. Front row: Agnese (18), Teresa (14), Josefina (10). Back row: John Paul (19), John (aka
"Daddy"), Eileen (aka "Mommy"). Insert right bottom corner: Lucia Janaro (16 - currently out of the country
participating in a student exchange program... we miss her this year, but more on her story another time).
After Mass, we had a picnic with some friends and their families at the beautiful Virginia Arboretum.
We brought with us a hamper full of prosciutto and strawberries and cheeses and olives and wine.
Then we came back home and had dinner in the evening: Rigatoni with Corsican beef and more wine.

Christ is risen, alleluia!
He is risen indeed, alleluia, alleluia!