Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Ice-And-Snow-Pocalypse of ‘22… Sort Of..?

We had the first serious “Winter Storm” of the year in the mid-Atlantic region of the USA. You know, the kind of storm that The Weather Channel gets excited about. Not only to we get the experience of extreme weather conditions, we also get to watch ourselves going through all the drama on reality TV. It makes it twice as exciting, right?😝 

Really, it’s odd how having our weather on national television makes us feel like we have “accomplished something important” just by living in an area that’s “on TV.” No matter how many gadgets we have, the Big Screen retains its mystique as the main “portal of extension” between our homes and “the world,” with an aura of authority vested in it by the Guardians of Program Content: networks, cable channels, and now streaming services that make decisions about what we can watch based on the power they possess. Their judgment, credibility, or expertise may not deserve this level of respect, and yet they are among the “lords” in the Aristocracy of Power in which we live. The gap has closed, a little, in communications media now that we “commoners” can also produce and disseminate media content. 

I spoofed this little video last Friday while in a silly mood, posting an “official report” to my YouTube channel. I don’t ever expect to have a YouTube video that gets more than a handful of views, which is not a disappointment since I put ZERO effort into making them. I actually use YouTube (at least for making videos) in the way its geeky founders originally intended it to be used, way way back in 2006: as a convenient internet site for uploading videos that I can then easily share in other places, like this blog. Oh yeah, by the way, let me share that no-longer-new “special report” here:

Anyway, I turned out to be right.😉 But rather than being the “on-the-seen” reporter (too cold!), I stuck to photography after that. Sunday and Monday gave us 5 inches of snow before the sleet and freezing rain left about a tenth of an inch coat of ice on top of everything. Traveling conditions off the main roads were hazardous for a couple of days, and we had to be careful walking around.

But when the sun finally came out, we saw some beautiful and unusual scenes: