Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Friends of God, at My Side

At my bedside I have an area that's a little bit like what the Byzantine tradition calls a "beautiful corner." It's not formal, and I don't have an icon lamp. It's just a help to remember the Lord and to pray.

Here in this picture are some of the things I see when I open my eyes in the morning, or when I am constrained in bed by my own sickness and turmoil of mind and body:

Right to left, a small Russian icon of the Trinity, icons of Jesus and Mary, and precious photo of my two "spiritual fathers" who still guide me from their place before God as I continue to journey with Jesus along the road they helped me to embark upon: Pope Saint John Paul II and the Servant of God Msgr Luigi Giussani.

Behind is a box that has relics in it (including the Blessed martyrs of Thailand!) and you can see above part of a Psalm verse that my wonderful wife wrote out for me in calligraphy.

Catholic Christianity is well-traveled path to our destiny, with many deeply trodden and tested places where we can put our foot for the next step.

We also have many companions from every time and place to inspire us and help us.