Thursday, November 17, 2011

It Really Happened

We have to realize that we don’t just adhere to a religion called “Christianity,” which is one of many world religions—even if the difference is that our religion is true.

“Christianity” was not anyone’s idea.  We do not just affirm a bunch of abstract theories along with a moral code and a cultural tradition.  We believe, fundamentally, that certain specific events really happened.  The world we live in today doesn’t have any particular problem with a Christianity that limits itself to ideas and moral sentiments.  The challenge comes when we affirm that God really did become man and really did die for us because He loves each one of us and He wants us.

Jesus loves us.  He wants a relationship with each one of us.  This is why the creed is a profession of faith—the faith that becomes possible and effective through the love that God empowers us to give Him in return.  Worldly reason is just never going to be able to wrap itself around the possibility that an Infinite Being would get involved with us in this way. St. Paul calls it “the foolishness of God” which is “wiser than men.”  It is only love that can respond to Love—the wild, wonderful, freely given Love of God that comes to us in Jesus.

From my book Never Give Up: My Life and God's Mercy (